Gifts of Life
By Pastor Timothy Tin (May 2020)
I received a touching story about the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19): A 93-year old man was hospitalized with COVID-19 in Italy. Finally, his condition improved. When he was handed the bill, the old man started to break into tears, saying, “I am not crying because I have to pay. I can pay the bill. But I realize that I haven’t paid a penny for all the air I’ve been breathing for the past 93 years! The hospital charges $5,000 a day for using the respirator. Do you know how much I owe God? Nothing! I have never thanked Him for this before.” The doctor lowered his head and wept!
It’s true that we have received a lot of “gifts” by grace. We have not paid any bills at birth, and we are not able to pay as a baby anyway! Our parents and society have paid for us. All the funds needed for each baby from birth to growing up are received at no cost. If society and our parents want to charge us for the resources and funds we consumed, it would be a huge amount. How about diapers, tissues, and milk powder? Children up to 2 years old need about 4,000 diapers, milk powder for $3,000, plus other related supplies that cost at least $4,000 to $5,000. This amount has not included medical expenses, education, and other government’s public expenses.

The best way for young people to learn is to do volunteer or work in the summer so they don’t take things for granted. By the same token, we now realize that our livelihood is drastically different due to COVID-19. Gatherings and nonessential businesses are prohibited. Public transportation is shrunk. The streets are almost empty. We can’t take things for granted anymore.
In fact, we have received many “gifts” by grace. Besides breathing the air by grace, we also receive sunlight and rain for free. God is fair because “… He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” (Matthew 5:45) Jesus has also taught us to give by saying,”…Freely you have received; freely give.”(Matthew 10: 8) because everything we have, including health and life, are gifts from God. We haven’t received a bill for a single cell we have!
There’s no free lunch, people usually think. Yet some may reap what others have sown. Some others profit from their evil investments. The Bible tells us that one day, God will judge what we have done in our lifetime. At that time, whether you are superior or inferior, you have to come to the judgment throne of God to give an account of your life! “For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:14)
How do we prepare for God’s day of judgment?
1) Be thankful for the life God has given you and everything you have in your life.
2) Repent for all the evil things you have done in words, in thoughts, or in deeds.
3) Believe that God has sent His only Son, Jesus Christ,
● who died on the cross for your sins
● resurrected after 3 days and ascended to heaven
● whoever believes and accepts Jesus Christ as Savior will be forgiven, and have eternal life!
I wish you are safe throughout this COVID-19 pandemic, being healthy physically and spiritually! To have the assurance of eternal life, you may say this prayer, “Dear Father, thank you for giving me life. My life, body, and soul belong to You. Please forgive me for all my transgressions. I am willing to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior; so that my sins can be forgiven and I can have eternal life. I pray sincerely in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen! (Amen means certainly.)
(Author: Senior Pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church in Los Angeles, California)
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